Monday, July 14, 2008

Impending Doom

Every once in a while I get an odd feeling that something really bad is coming up.

I don't know what it is, I used to call it my Sixth sense, then a movie came out and ruined it for me, then I called it my spider sense, then three movies came out and ruined it, now I call it my strange feeling of impending doom.

I know its dramatic.

But what happens if a polar ice cap erupts.

Then you'll all be mad about me not being dramatic with my feeling.

So something bad is gonna happen.

I don't like it.

So everyone stay safe.


1 comment:

Author said...

EEP! Ominous ... hope it's not something that's going to happen to me! :S

Did I just type that?! Holy self-centred, Batman!