Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Slightly drunk philosophy warning

Like the title says I'm a little buzzed and when I am in perfect state of drunkenness I find it easier to write as if it is a data dump as opposed to a rational well thought out and reviewed argument.

When I do this my spelling sucks and I have a tendency to need a serious proofreading once it is done.

Religion, relationships and trust.

I think they all boil down to the same thing. Faith.

I'm not discussing faith in a religious belief in the bible and the word of god and in the institution sense, I am discussing faith in the belief without proof sense.

Religion is based on a higher power that we have faith in.

In a relationship it is called being faithful to one another. It is very complicated and hard to describe the way faith builds relationships but as a rule a relationship is built on faith in an individual that is reciprocated.

Trust is different then a relationship. Where a relationship (or at least a healthy one) involves two people who faith in each others actions and trust in one another trust is simpler. Trust involved things happening in a manner that you would expect. I trust that a compulsive liar never has a reason to lie. I trust that my car will start. I trust that people will fit into the sterio types that I paint for them. Positive and negative.

In most cases when your faith is broken it is like an emotional trauma. When a relationship collapses there is a trauma, blame is passed around, at fist the other person is blamed. Then your replacement is blamed. Then you blame yourself and then you have to crawl and find your way out of the trauma because if you don't you will never trust again.

Yet there are times when it is pleasant to have to face a moment of broken faith. When someone turns out to be better then you expected is the best example I can think of. It can be anything, but examples elude me. Actually I just can't say it without sharing far to much personal information about people who I owe a debt of trust too.

Ah faith, if you didn't exist we would have nothing.

Thats it fro now, my buzz is wearing off and I am starting to second guess what I am writing.


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