Monday, May 26, 2008


I have this feeling that everyone has a superpower, some skill that they posses, that helps make life better for the people around them.

It is complicated though, none of us can fly, or has heat-vision or magikal pwerz. But we all have skills that allow us to influence others in ways that people can't manage on their own.

I don't know where this is going where I want to be is discussing how for some reason I will always know if someone will succeed in life. I don't know what it is, a sixth sense, voodoo, psychic powers no idea. But I can meet someone and in five minutes I will know with absolute faith where they are headed. So I guess that is my superpower, even though it doesn't work on myself, it is a useful skill to have.

Because there is nothing like being able to tell someone with absolute conviction that they will do good.

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