Thursday, May 29, 2008

Fly away until Chrismas

In four days one of my friends is flying away.

Far away to far middle west of Canada.

A land of unlimited opportunity, well oil, and farmland. Unfortunately some smarty dumbass working for not faming decided that it would be nice to dump millions of tons of water down these holes to get a little bit of lighter liquid to see out.

So in a land of oil and farmers, there is no water. Guess who is fucking whom.

Now I'm mad so back onto a topic that is happier.

Friendship is how our demographic survives. We are in that age where marriage is ahead of us, and pointless sham relationships are behind us. Well thats all that they were, back when we spoke of love when me meant lust and when we spoke of forever when we meant next semester, the relationships of the past are built on lies, but the innocent ones that when told are believed to be the truth by everyone involved in the telling and the listening.

Do 18 year olds know what forever is? So 21 year olds?

But some friends really are forever, the ones who make you laugh, who stand out as individuals, and the ones who with help with the shovels after any violently dramatic event.

So my friend is moving out to Alberta and she will be gone until Christmas, which means I'll miss seeing her, finding the bottom of bottles with her, throwing rocks at kids with her except for the fact that the last time I saw her pretty face was eighteen months ago.

But for some reason I still lover her and we still talk every week or so.

I guess I should talk about her for a moment, Kate is the kind of person that you keep around because you never know what she is going to do next. She is like mixing redbull with ADD. It also helps that what she thinks is funny and what I think is funny are generally the same thing, it also helps that she's fucking clever. Her appearance doesn't hurt her either. Call me shallow, because well I am, I met Kate because she was hot, and I was looking and instead of finding something I could use and discard, she shot me down into a burning fiery crash and I found a friend.

So back to Kate, she is a zodiac sign, she likes boys, hints at liking girls, likes long walks down to the place with the thing, is a tease and loves being in the centre of attention.

This one time she even let sponge bob slam her in the butt. True story.

See, I told you.

What did you expect to see her nekid? Cuddling with a cartoon character as any man would with Jessica Rabbit?

Kate is my friend, and she is going away, for six months and her trip with be an exciting learning experience where hopefully she will have the opportunity to drop kick a cow boy, crash a rodeo, find herself and to miss everyone she is leaving in Ontario.

It is a good think that she is coming back, if I was sentimental I would buy a bottle of wine to share with her when she returned, if I was a jerk I would pick it up 5 min before seeing her and just say that I bought it in June for her, and if I was trying to be all seductive like it would be a magnum bottle. That and I don't think she would forgive me if I showed up at her door with anything less then a gallon of booze.

So Kate if you actually read this, I'll see you in December for some adventures that are a bit more risky then the exploding keg and a bit less then showing your mom dirty pics over msn.


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